Mariano Ruíz
source: imi2438.jpg, 2048x1536 1.3mb 2004:03:19
a052053.html (file 176 / 190), 25 April 2005
Mariano Ruíz
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Don Mariano literally saved my life during the most exciting and least enjoyable adventure I had while in Imi. I'd been chaqueando (clearing farmland) for Don Cruz all day in the hot December sun, when I experienced a sun stroke: repeated attacks of violent cramping throughout my body, so serious it took all my strength to keep breathing. Don Mariano rushed over from working in his own nearby field, and while Cruz ran for help, he tried to keep me cool by fanning me with the same camouflage hat you see in this picture. The first time he wavered I had another attack, so after that he did not waver. He kept at it for who knows how long, a hour, two hours, until I recovered enough to be carried out to the road.